
Book review: WABI SABI by Beth Kempton

“The forest does not care what your hair looks like. The mountains don’t move for any job title. The rivers keep running regardless of your social-media following, salary or your popularity. The flowers keep on blooming, whether or not you make mistakes. Nature just is, and welcomes you, just as you are.” Beth Kempton I…
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Travelling corner: A day on the most beautiful beach (with kids!)

We went to Wales to finally visit Rhossili Beach which is often ranked as one of the most beautiful beaches in the UK. To give you some context, I’ll add that we went there with our two daughters. It was winter. Cold, windy, rainy… you know the weather (just ideal for a day trip to…
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Learn a language: My new language challenge!

As I mentioned last week, I plan to challenge myself and to start learning a new language (!). I’ll use the blog to update you on my improvements, what resources I use and how I plan my study. Group or 1-1 As a working mama, my free time is limited: I run the school, spend…
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Learn a language: Can I learn Polish, Czech, French, Russian & Portuguese on YouTube?

Today, I’d like to see if we can improve our language skills via YouTube channels.  I hope to inspire you to use some free resources that are available online. I’ll first focus on the languages that I’m familiar with (Polish, Czech, French and Russian) or plan to learn (Portuguese). Yes, I’m giving myself a new…
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Travelling corner: Winter in Exmoor

This winter I re-discovered Exmoor. The last time I went to this beautiful part of England was when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, around 5 years ago! I remember being 7 months pregnant and climbing North Hill and, by mistake, taking the steep route up the hill… Oh yes, it was proper exercise…
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Book review: Goodbye, things. On minimalist living by Fumio Sasaki

“A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?”  Albert Einstein In a world so overloaded with information, things, promotions and a want-more philosophy, shall we all become minimalists? Is there happiness in having less? Personally, I’m on a journey to declutter my belongings:…
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Book review: Slow by Jo Peters

“For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.” Lily Tomlin “Slow. Finding peace and purpose in a hectic world.” After a very intensive January, I wanted to slow down, hence was looking for some slow reading and came across this publication. It’s beautifully published with photographs and graphics that inspire readers to pause and slow down. The…
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Book review: Sea Journal by Lisa Woollett

It’s a beautiful read. Mindful, slow, inspirational, interesting, funny. And the photographs of the sea and of the sea life make the read so real and yet incredibly artistic. I started reading it when I was by the sea and couldn’t stop, just continued reading it every day. I was so amazed by it that…
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Travelling corner: 5 Best of North-West Cornwall

We returned to Cornwall last summer to re-discover the beautiful area of St Ives Bay, located in North-West Cornwall. It’s a blissful location, if you wish to visit the famous gems of Cornwall, have long beach walks, do some hiking, go to family-friendly places and enjoy some beautiful scenery. Yes, this part of Cornwall has…
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Hello to you all in 2020!

Happy New Year, my wonderful readers! I hope your Christmas was wonderful and so were the New Year’s celebrations. I think January is a good time to reflect on the past year and dream about what the New Year will look like?! For me, personally, 2019 was a challenging year. With the arrival of our…
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